In Person Body turned away from you Has phone or other object out and engaged with it Appears annoyed or bored with the current interaction She shuts down intimate moments She keeps her distance from you in an interaction Direct eye contact is usually avoided Her friends come and swarm you, usually involving her departure Text and Phone Responses are often short Message response time ranges from very late to never Emotion appears to be lacking in the conversation You are always the one initiating the interactions Phone cuts to voice mail after 4-6 rings (2 rings to connect, 2 for her to respond) An offer to talk over phone is ignored with no response Friend requests are ignored and rejected after a long length of time General She tells you that she is not ready for a relationship She says she wants nothing serious She gives you the "Let's Just Be Friends" speech She curbs sexual escalation She constantly seems to be busy when you ask to make plans When plans are made, they are very vague and easily broken Her former exes are openly discussed with you Acts of chivalry and being a gentleman are rejected or shown no appreciation She expresses her interest in your friends or other people She tries to set you up with other people She does not show genuine humor in your jokes When she describes her ideal man, it is exactly not you You've never been to her place She is rude to you She says she is taken with or without any proof Mutual friends tell you that she is not interested She manipulates and uses you for personal entertainment and higher gain She invites her friends along to any plans that are made She tells you what her friends think about you, and it is not good Her friends and family have never heard about you after a long length of time She doesn't freak out when you hit on her friend, or when you freeze her out