Board-tan Diaper Thread Anonymous 11/26/2023 (Sun) 12:03 No.446 del
Thread where we wreak havoc like old times. For now this thread is to bounce off any ideas on how we should jump start board-tan diapering and shitposting them. Here's a list of board-tans and their respective boards:

Erika, Tarrant, Integralist -

They mostly have serious discussions and would likely delete any attempts to poke fun at them or post any new diaper art. It's also the most active /pol/ like board not counting old 8chan /pol/ after the site taken down. Hence why I lumped Erika and Tarrant with /fascist/ even though it is really pol's board-tans.

Alunya -

Site is active with moderation that wouldn't object to our shitposting. /leftypol/, /siberia/ (off-topic) and /draw/ would be the boards to shitpost in as they have OC threads although I haven't checked all of the boards yet. This thread has OC-grace posting that is currently active . They also have Alunya draw threads and an OC thread .

z-tan -

They have a drawing thread . They most likely might delete any shitposting anywhere else in the /v/ threads. Z-tan is considered as one of the mascots for the site, there's also a drawing thread in /b/ not to mention that /b/ would be more welcoming of our shitposting and posting of diapered board-tan art.

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