Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 11:02 No.67779 del
(60.94 KB 500x420 go-away-hag.jpg)
>you are 33 trying to get with 17 year old, this is pathetic XD
nah, pathetic would be if i was trying to get with 30+ year old haags

>she's not even cute enough for you to be this obsessive over
she's cute enough for me 🥰

>you are just being mean to older women for no reason :/
lmao, you just don't *get* it, do you?

i'm not your typical "proper" man, i'm an infantile guy, or what your older women would call "a manchild"

i was mentally at 8yo when i was her age, so it's only natural that i feel at her age now

i just enjoy orbiting some underage girls, okay?! jeez..