Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 09:12 No.68546 del
Ika i find it disturbing how you try so hard to mimic Bia when you previously lied about knowing her friends, going as far as to try to intentionally associate with them for clout and then saying you tried to help expose some tranny skinwalker when you are doing the same thing as your alleged target. you ARE the tranny skinwalker now

as much as i want to say something really shitty about you i genuinely think you need help, and not the dramatic “save me” type of help you think you need. you larp as some carbon copy of a fucking anime game character because you have absolutely no personality of your own and you’ve never been friends with someone who is actually crazy long enough to mimic them, and because of this you deluded yourself into thinking you’re some interesting chaotic cute v-tuber and i think you really believe everyone else sees you that way

Ika people see you as a dishonest, dirty and ugly individual both inside and out. you’re not cute and attractive enough to distract from your forced persona and bad hygiene, you’re too poor to buy enough nice shit to cover it up, and you’re too uninteresting to be the ugly poverty princess that has unique intelligence and a developed personality that make you interesting enough to stick around and “save” the way you wish someone would want to save you

that’s why this is the best kind of simp you’re ever going to get. some forlorn faggot who leaks your email so he can gloat about how he thinks he’s a modern day Poe. in reality he is a talentless tryhard desperate for a crumb of attention who will die a pretentious retard suffering in the squalor and tragic poverty he makes for himself all while thinking it’s because he’s a poetic tortured soul when really he’s just a dumbass

frankly you two go great together, i bet you both like David Lynch

by the way, your use of clozapine is a beacon highlighting that not only do you have zero diagnosed mental illnesses, but you also have no fucking clue what psychiatrists prescribe for schizophrenia. you deadass googled “schizophrenia medication” and went with the first result. you might as well have used lithium.