Anonymous 05/15/2024 (Wed) 04:12 No.28272 del
1. No, they would not. They wouldnt care because I don't make contact to them, I don't disturb people.
2. Then why'd you treat the ps5 and cat mom thing as real?
3. Because you're a blind alcoholic. Cope and eat lithium
4. Misreading alternate words isn't saving you, dude. It wasn't a big altercation with my mom, plus we already resolved the web thing. Please stop thinking I "assult" her when I don't. I would never go that far.
5. No, you're random weens with nothing better to do with your life. Trying to force popularity wen your shitty lives are the ones that give you egos
If you think I lied about my age before my eventual 18th birthday then actually piss off and eat concrete.
>guessing things and fetishes again
Such a liar.