Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 01:44 No.28420 del
That's not even a diaper guard you moron. Also they dont come in watnai, they're only in a secret cave.
'Specially from that conceieved wonders game.
But then again if I shown you anything you're just going to either steal it like u always do or disregard / ignore it because you dont like actual canon lore.
>no one w ants to know-
That you're a pedo?
Klim you literally been a weirdo when I was a kid, we know what you did.
No there isn't any accounts stalking or grooming, at all. Because I'm not the one randomly asking for sparklecare rps with minors in the fandom.
Fuck your shitty "thee but not for me" crap. The only thing I did was confront you
not even me
So you don't want to know what an ARG is??? A fucking alternate reality game where [company here] exists and makes cartoons for the obscure and direct video kind?? And you have the guts to call it "grooming" when it isn't...
Holy shit you're fucking inasne.