Anonymous 05/12/2024 (Sun) 19:30 Id: 446a0b No.93660 del
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>That game series doesn't even make any sense. You play a Pole fighting all of NSDAP (but it only shows the German side). The games never even acknowledge the Katyn Massacre. Or that the Soviet Union was doing those types of massacres and invasions for a while.

Because since the activision sold the IP to zenimax and machine games dev team it was just an ordinary shooter with occult esoteric myths for edgyness to look even more cool
No really return to castle wolfenstein was stupid but stupid in sense of not being abnoxious
However we all know what came when new order came by and its not an excuse that their timelinenis not canonical
A giant jewish projection and butthurt over aryans that they showed in whole game how butthurt from nsdap they were
So much they went into their old stealing of achievements and even going into projections after proje tions

I recommend looking on odysee platform american krogans analysis on the games as that vid cost him for redpills a channel and how much he went on for dementia and audacities there

Na ah ah it is establishednsince new collosus wolfenstein he is a jew since his mother was a jew
I should have known that wolfesntein was prequel to bethesda and zenimaxes willingnes to undermine many just for ruining what many loved for its whackiness i shouldnt be naive by that time thinking they would never expand as they did in this year on fallout franchise