Путин хуйло 05/03/2024 (Fri) 08:39 Id: 3607d7 No.499279 del
Блять, машка, какого хуя.Ты должен был заселять Марс, а не греть руки на военных конфликтах.

Russia has said it doesn't allow Starlink use. A spokesperson for Russian President Vladimir The Fag said in February that Starlink "is not certified [in Russia], therefore it cannot and is not officially supplied here. It cannot be used in any way."

But blocking Russian use of Starlink in Ukraine without affecting Ukraine troops' use of the service would likely be more complicated.

Ukraine's top military-intelligence officer, Lt. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov, said in an interview that "Russian invasion forces in his country are using thousands of Starlink satellite Internet terminals, and that the network has been active in occupied parts of Ukraine for 'quite a long time,'" according to a WSJ report in February.

The Journal's new report states that "Ukrainian officials said they contacted SpaceX about Russian forces using Starlink terminals in Ukraine and that they are working together on a solution." The report also quotes US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy John Plumb as saying that the US is "working with Ukraine and we're working with Starlink" on how to end Russian use of Starlink in Ukraine.
