Anonymous 05/03/2024 (Fri) 11:24 No.54347 del
>sadness or depression serve no positive purpose in one's life
Is that so? I think the things we call sadness or depression probably just boil down to forms of mourning. You could be mourning someone who died or left you or an expectation that was unmet by the material world or even yourself. Either way I would argue that it serves a purpose. Maybe not a "positive" one, but that there is a value judgment that's based on duality. To go on without feeling sadness or depression would be inhuman, I think. Animalistic, savage. Plenty of people do that because plenty of people are barely even people. I'd rather have a personality and stay true to myself than seek out false positivity and supposed solutions to problems that I don't perceive as such. That's stupid, it's intellectual dishonesty, or just plain dishonesty or both at once. That's an expression of non-duality to me: not perceiving black metal as "sad" or "depressing" because there's no such thing in the first place, there's no darkness just like there's no light. Not REALLY. On the material plane that's all very much real of course. So do I get to cherrypick what gets judged through the lens of non-duality and what doesn't? It can't be easy to stay coherent and consistent, Suzanne herself can sound a little hypocritical at times (though I fully believe in her honesty and the purity of her intentions)

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