Sunflower 01/19/2024 (Fri) 21:40 Id: a6eb21 No.5921 del
>This is why I tell you a lot to talk to your sisters and other beings during daytime or when you are alone. That will connect the worlds and your psyche.

Oh and what I meant is that there might be a chance that some entity is calling you to "dream" so you "work with them" because you are not willing to go there on your own.
Like did you try to imagine the island the girls gave a perfume for you and try to mentally walk and talk there? This is what I am meaning by this. You need to start to think to learn with the otherside on your own.
I know it takes time to make it into a habit because "realizing" that the "idea" how much you like magic and such that came from a computer screen are much more real now and "real things are boring" so you will have to cross this mental barrier of sorts.

Yuuka gave me a reply while calming down my energies.
>You are focusing too much on the branches and roots of life while we can only use the leaves. You crave eternity while we crave the cycles of change and now these ideas connected for you.

Am calming down because I got the "heart of serenity" yesterday and it is a force about that "peace" I was talking about I am looking for. Peace cannot be forced it can only be achieved so I need to learn how to "awaken the higher forms" because it is not about calmness and other things but it is a supreme energy formation that is the base requirement for spells and my entire being needs to internalize it. There are constructs/truths you can only build in peace.

While you could say it is just a "mindwave" it is about calming down or "up" all my mindwaves that exist across my entire being of sorts so the higher mindwaves can come through undisturbed.

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