Sunflower 04/17/2024 (Wed) 11:01 Id: 355cae No.7415 del
So I assume if I see someone on the street I get good and tasty vibes from and I'd like their blood, I can just point the servitor directly to the person I'm seeing. This way at least I can see and confirm the target directly which is probably much better than any random degenerate on a mexican backstreet with dirty blood.
I'll keep it in mind altought I'm not sure if I should or need to use something like this now. Same with Cains original blood. I'll try it if and when I really feel like it. For now I think I should be focusing more on squeezing out my immortality because altought you said I have done it there is not much going on for me and my body still appears "normal pyhsical and mortal" to me.