Sunflower 05/10/2024 (Fri) 20:40 Id: 949664 No.7760 del
It's gotten very specific lately, very narrow, as these are shared openly and meant to self-replicate virally, they operate also as mind-viruses which contain the correct thinking. It's a sort of doctrine which is "tolerated" within the galactic federation whose "shadow" is known to us as the Soviet Union. They look the same and the same weapon standards are used, but what we had down on Earth is in reverse. As we can see now, they had prepared for this war way ahead by amassing weapon systems using the same calibres all over the former soviet bloc plus Asia and north Africa. There is also a mental-social infrastructure in place which means the Chinese drones can be directly and instantly connected to work for the federation already.

These creations when shared openly here have a very fixed and "indoctrinated" structure which means they can only specifically be used by someone who syncs with this standard. It's the core standard which created the systems down here, but derived from the original, up there it's just "KGB" standard, what we have now within Sunflower is a faction registered with them which is referred to as "oppai/loli" for the duality of both views, but also relating to an approach interpreted from Freudian psychology which states that these two roles representing the mother and the daughter are two types of sex objects corresponding to these body and character types.

Then the memetics of Tanya from Youjo Senki was used, because she matches the loli character of the two, being "a fairy flying high over the battle-field", while the beast ladies with red fur up in the federation will be the motherly "oppai" type, uniting Earth with space.

If you are fine with this structure, you won't have a problem...