Yulya 05/15/2024 (Wed) 19:58 No.4311 del
(32.91 KB 512x512 164606179.jpg)
>He's talking directly to Ashley. "So you must be the leader, Yuya? yuleah? How do you pronounce that?"
>Ashley gives a thin smile with wide eyes and points to Yulya.
Yulya plays possum hoping that Ashley handles the talking but is startled when Ashley points to her''
Uhm thank you for having us!
We are aware of increased bandit activity which brought us to Neverwinter in the first place. We should be able to handle moderate danger though we are only copper rank beginners of course no seasoned veterans. But I am confident in our abilities and teamwork.
We are really low on funds but we would like to take up your offer and trade a few supplies.

Yulya turns to Freya
Freya may we also borrow 5 gp each like Ashley did? I know its a bit sudden but we quickly need to buy a few things to trade. Cat can I send you to buy some gear for 15 gp immediately before shops close?

Yulya turns back to Gundren
That said we will formally accept the quest and do our best to aid you! You can count on us and we are looking forward to working with you!

Yulya turns to Freya once more
Does Phandalin also have a guild?