Joy the DM 05/15/2024 (Wed) 21:00 No.4314 del
>Uhm thank you for having us!

"Eye it's a pleasure and a privilege on my part." Gundren says with a jolly chuckle.

>We should be able to handle moderate danger

"Well we can hope it doesn't come to that, but there's a good premium for a reason I would think," he says in all seriousness. "These blaggards are no more than disgruntled townsfolk, just by the looks of you all, they're outclassed. Eye ye'll be the talk of the town." He glances at Ashley and then at Alice. "You'll be highly respected and in high demand there no doubt."

>We are really low on funds but we would like to take up your offer and trade a few supplies.

"A tradeswoman at heart, I appreciate that, and there's plenty of room for what you need. We'll make it work. And hey, this doesn't have to be a one off, I travel there and back half a dozen times a season usually but we'll be busy soon, you might get a deal on a reliable cart and four obedient horses of you play your cards right provided you can get your trades license. I can't say more, but we'll take it one day at a time."

>Does Phandalin also have a guild?

Freya looks to Gundren.

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