Crusader Against Seed Oil 04/07/2024 (Sun) 00:53 Id: f4ab60 No.227237 del
No bongs for me!

One of the most abundant and cytotoxic lipid-derived aldehyde is 4-hydroxy 2-nonenal (HNE). The HNE is formed by the oxidation of ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids [5; Figure-1].

During autoxidation, fatty acids form alkoxyl radicals [6] that undergo beta-scission leading to the formation of several saturated and unsaturated oxo-compounds of which HNE is one of the most reactive and under some conditions represents 95% of the generated aldehydes [7].

Currently, HNE is considered an important marker of oxidative stress, a possible contributory agent to several diseases such as Alzheimer and a stimulant of prominent pathobiochemical pathways such as inflammation, indicating a potential contribution of the aldehyde to the pathogenesis of several chronic diseases [8–10].