vamp 05/06/2024 (Mon) 18:34 No.66650 del
Thank you alot, I dont think my speech is great especially in English considering my accent and whenever I talk I get brainfog which disallow me to say what I want to say since I keep forgetting the words.
Also, no you arent lucky, there are way more interesing and pretty girls than me. I am below average at everything. My whole existence is mediocre.
Thanks!Will keep in mind
Yeah her content was comfy, I also miss her videos but its kinda good she left this place for better.
> a fake persona to lead incels on
Sorry, you are acting like incels are mechanic robots and they dont have the free will to choose.
>lie about her name, country, age
Whats mentally deranged about this? Sounds pretty rational to me since its a step away from getting doxxed.
>you fall in love with her and then she would break up with you
Moral of the story: Edating doesnt work and it will only make you more miserable since in the internet people fake their personalities.