cewl 05/10/2024 (Fri) 22:26 No.67197 del
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but im high
its not goth id say its emo. and now im emo elf!
hahahaa you really wanna play that game but deleted your msgs because you know you sent worse shit than this.

loli is part of otaku culture and im a girl that would never harm a kid. they would smile at me. you on the other hand have morhers hold their kids arm firmly and cross over to the other crosswalk bro
i never sent you actual PORN of loli, just ecchi
and nice one deleting all your mesages so i cant send the shit you sent me :))

files here are some daily things elly here does.
last pic i added because we in the channel were like therapy to him. he almost saw me as human and got mad because a woman talked more sensible than him and could only reply with "no, stfu, whore" in all combinations so 3!+3=9 i rhink. add flavor text and it becomes a lot moee thab you expect

will reply to others next bxs i canr sew anythinf bexause of rhe files