Anonymous 05/11/2024 (Sat) 00:29 No.67309 del
>the guy at the mtg con was someobe in the dc posting his old picture at a tournament. he does not live close to me.
Nope not discord guy, some year or so ago you went to an MTG con and approached some guy, you said you looked around for anyone "not sweaty or overweight" and found the one dude in there who had other girls around him apparently, you said this yourself.
2nd guy I'm talking about is some dude you describe as a "manwhore" who has "tall, wide shoulders, big hands", basically Chad stereotype.
"ftm gay" guy you only added because he was "tall and manly" and you only later on found out he was potentially ftm gay
>those guys dont follow me around.
Yeah, the guys who follow you around are fucking ugly and think they might have a chance with you without knowing what you really think about them.
>. i fenuinely get so happy to get called pretty and shit because i dont fet it ir
Oof, I wonder why you only get called pretty in dead incel imageboards..