cewl 05/11/2024 (Sat) 22:31 No.67530 del
i dont ask any dudes out. i was just telling ppl avout a potential friend, because he knew about 4chan. they asked me if he was attractive so i gave his description, i think hes not ugly but what makes someone attractive for me is their personality, which cause hes a manwhore he is not to me.
>all the dudes you go after are manwhores
its just that dude i know who is a manwhoee rest are just because most girls rhat do drugs wanna get free drugs and fuck guys for it. thank god i have money lol

anyways, i have never seen an anons face or body or anything which i respect, they dont gave to share, and i will never allow myself to catch feelings online because it would be so hard to have a relationship like that.
i wouldnt turn down to meet up with an anon if they were here, but i had to decline libero cause i was either doing heroin all day nodding in bed or i was withdeawing from heroin on bed.
even if i did, i wouldnt tell anyone because even though i didnt meet him, people told me i had sex and shit, even went as too far to ridicule him who couldve been any of yoy but you still were mean towards him. i think anons like you dont even like other anons and thats why people were like that towards libero.
why would you assume im not attracted to anons or dc friends? i like them because they chat with me even though i dont send nudes so they see me more than porn and they make me really self confident and happy and well, aroused when i see peoples replies to pictures of me.
i dont rewlly know what attraction feels lije. i had a crush only once and that was irl. ofc i wouldnt edate, but i wouldnt date someone that i didnt have a crush on elther.
once there was an anon i met through emails and i almost think i srarted liking him, mightve just been that i felt like i wanted to be closer friends though (my perception is really skewed because even though i wanted him to see me sexy and tell me sexy stuff, because i experience it withpeople ism not in a relationwhip with) however one day he dissappered without any sign or trace which made me feel distraught. so in order to get sad and get no clarification i would never date online. and i care a lot about matching humor, personality etc and the only way i can find a pwrtner like that is to look at robot or robot adjacent ppl. i cant fathom the idea of spending my life, even just a day, with a norman jock normie .
i am sorry for rambling but it is never clear what you ask and you like to twist and fit my words into whatever makes me sound like im r63 of a womanizer and a whore, you will di it, so i have to explain every little thinf becaus e your mind cant fill in the blanks with shit other than any phrase from the incel manifesto
nice try, ur not jurgen xD
and if u knew how to read, thats chemical peel after using cream for hair removal <3.
LOLOLOLOL that rp man xDddd as if jurgen would namefag with his same name and ve like oh noo! as if he would betray me or some shit and id go and be mad at him right. LMAO...

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