vamp 05/18/2024 (Sat) 19:18 No.68619 del
I am not into girls since I am straight so I'll only talk about what guys I am into.
I am really attracted towards those kind of men, who are passionate and extremely nerdy about their niche interests. It makes them have a light aura and there is something you could endlessly talk with them.
I extremely love talking about philosophy,literature,art,music,film,beauty,conspirancy,politics, metaphysics, esotericism etc etc just whatever the world offers me.
Too lazy to go more in depth since I am going to watch a movie, If anyone wants to be letterboxd mutuals then add me: illyricum (please dont judge me by the way how I rate movies 🥲)
>tell me about your first love
I have never felt in love with somebody, idk how to love :p
Whatever I am a failed egirl so what do you want me to do?!