Anonymous 05/18/2024 (Sat) 19:56 No.68625 del
>I am not into girls
so you never had an urge to cuddle with some cute girl?

>I am really attracted towards those kind of men, who are passionate and extremely nerdy about their niche interests. It makes them have a light aura and there is something you could endlessly talk with them.
be careful what you wish for lol

being extremely nerdy and passionate about niche interests, but otherwise socially retarded is a classic japanese definition of otaku, ie jap incels

>I extremely love talking about philosophy,literature,art,music,film,beauty,conspirancy,politics, metaphysics, esotericism etc etc just whatever the world offers me.
I don't like talking to people, but I love art in all its manifestations. It's the highest form of communication invented by people.

>If anyone wants to be letterboxd mutuals then add me
sorry, I'm not into social media

>I have never felt in love with somebody, idk how to love :p
maybe you just forgot? I definitely remember falling in love twice before I hit my puberty, and never after I discovered porn and started masturbating lol