Instagram Pedo (Help) Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 16:29 No.51577 del
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I don't know if this is the right place but I don't know what to do anymore. This is not your typical, I want to see if my girlfriend is cheating situation.

There's this guy that has a history of harassing girls on Instagram, sending unsolicited dick pics, etc and last month, he abused my 14yo cousin. We went to the police but they couldn't care less and even asked "what were you wearing". She broke down and tried to commit suicide because of what happened.
Last week, the same guy got a 16yo pregnant and told her to fuck off because he "wanted to enjoy life".
What I'm asking is for someone to help me get access to his account so I can screenshot everything, expose him to everyone so no other girls have to experience what my cousin had to.

I can give you the instagram handle, his tiktok handle and his first and last name.

I have been scammed 3 times already trying to do this so I don't have that much money left but any help would be appreciated

My telegram is PLakoT1 if anyone wants to contact me there