Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 18:01 No.28212 del
Now sweetie when did I ever say that? Also, not really chris. I've debunked your fetish claims already, I ain't 40.
No, idiot. I never sexualize my own real family, lol. I aint into irl incest.
>again idc
Thanks for proving yourself to be clueless.
>idk any of that gay shit
Then why did you reply from 4 days ago, you're not the guy I'm originally responding to.
>You pretend to be-
Never did.
Roleplaying and persona posting are different.
But hey, I always keep my real life out of fiction, right?
Never was, never will be.
You already know I live at PA, why should you know where else I go? Idiot.
>very own se-

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