Sunflower 05/07/2024 (Tue) 02:24 Id: eeffb8 No.7731 del
I thought this was a mundane issue involving glowie shill-bots having less memory than usual but an anon here seems to be having an issue similar to this on /fringe/ as well. Mundanes' reading comprehension seems to be completely shot. I'm starting to see this on sites other than 4chan in ways that can't be explained as just assuming they're faulty chatbots (unless chatbot infiltration is a magnitude worse than what I assumed).
Like for instance yesterday on 4chan I saw someone respond aggressively to another person's story about how they got upset because a cop gave them a parking ticket, then their child wrongfully assumed that he was getting arrested as he overheard him discussing it. This poster then started mocking the guy because he "got arrested for chimping out at a cop", even though that's not what he posted at all, it's more like what someone would assume the story was about if they could only comprehend the tone of the post and not the information contained within. The strangest part though was that he seemed incapable of understanding his mistake even when people pointed it out to him. I've seen a few other occurrences like this in the past week, very out of the ordinary. Seemed like very bot-like behavior but there may be something else going on.