Autumn 05/10/2024 (Fri) 14:51 No.4240 del
>You're killing us here, we need a pack mule for all that stuff.

We packed everything and basically are all at the limit of encumbrance and we didn't even get to take everything we wanted. So we'll be encumbered if we take a couple pounds of treasure...

[Joy and SheShe] we're thinking about modifying the encumbrance mechanic.

[Joy] perhaps with extra pellets, I mean rations, you could carry more. If you had say a load limit of 100, with double rations you could carry 150, pro-rated? It's a work in progreas. Expect a change, when it's not fun, it's cut.

[Joy] we could also pro-rate the encumbrance mechanism? For anyone who doesn't want to deal with it, just ignore e encumbrance and bring it back if you think it will be fun to track. It seems kind of broken. The truth is however that hikers and backpackers generally try to carry only 20% of their body weight. The US Marines carry as much as 120 lbs in combat scenarios but are expected to carry only 90 lbs to march for 9 hours. Given the average Marine is 180 lbs and fit, that's 50% of their bodyweight. That doesn't mean they have 20 equivalent strength so there's some room to change the rules a bit.

[Joy] based on that alone, we could up the limit to 1/2 body weight plus STRx5 for anything over 10.

So if you weigh 100 lbs and have a strength of 15, you should be able to carry 75 lbs minus armor without encumbrance.

That means if Bear is 200lbs and has a 20 strength so he should be able to carry 200 lbs instead of 100 lbs without being encumbered. I like that way better!

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