Anonymous 05/17/2024 (Fri) 22:23 No.4327 del
>You may check my account of your coin but I am pretty sure it's accurate. You're very broke.
nonono, we saved up so we could invite Ashley!
she doesnt have to pay even more for something shes not even fond of we had 20 sp and 7 cp as per inventory

3x 2 = 06 sp dinner
1x 2 = 02 sp for room
4x 3 = 12 sp for bath
20 sp in total without Ashley paying anything. yeah we only have 7 cp left but Ashley should not have paid a copper. and what does Ashley want to pay for last night? room was free food was free!

so yeah were broke we gotta sell our trade goods when we arrive in phandalin or we wont be able to afford a room.

Yulyas not gotta start new drama if Ashley wants to pay for the bath but then we have 3 sp more.

at least thats my calculation i dont think theres a mistake or did i overlook any costs?