Anonymous 09/10/2020 (Thu) 16:54:02 No.33482 del
(84.33 KB 1602x611 ai dungeon attempts.png)
first tip
don't use /do /say
when you do your input first is interpreted by AI into a /story, and then AI generates more output out of it, and AI gets it wrong most of the time so stick to /story for less retard wrangling

>you over yonder
Better: You point over yonder.
the more detailed the input the less chances for AI to misinterpret it
if you ever played a roleplaying game through the internet which involved writing emotes in that experience comes in handy (just don't use )

>just here for the ride.
When AI doesn't end it's dialogue output with a quotation mark it usually means it has more to say (Griffin is locked to 45 characters), press enter for more

>You what goods are you looking for?
it was able to grasp it from the context but less grammatically correct input = less coherent output, like I said, use /story (click the "Do" button one or two times until it becomes "Story") and describe your action like a narrator would

>"I'm from the town of Fushô."

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