Anonymous 07/08/2023 (Sat) 16:33 No.227 del

Ahoy Mate!

Thank ye so much the nice question about the music in episode! We spend literally days and days combing through music archives to find the best music for the show that we can. So happy ye enjoyed one of our selections!

Our apologies for that song not making it into this episode's notes. The song is called "Growing Good Marijuana" by an Australian group of session musicians who called themselves "The Love Junkie" for this project.

"...most of the artists who worked on this were session musicians trying to build their portfolio, but the album is very much inspired by the Paramatta blues and soul movement of the 70s that's commonly associated with Australian surfie culture of the time. "Up in the hills" refers to the Blue Mountains, which I can testify as an Australian indeed has very good bud, the cold makes it go purple and knock ya socks off."

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