/MuhHolohoax/ - Holocaust Deprogramming Course

Holocaust Deprogramming Course

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websites/ findings Anonymous 02/25/2018 (Sun) 21:17:56 [Preview] No. 13 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
--- other such things to google :
communism and jews
communism and zionsm
who made hollywood
1001 by the jews pdf
the myth of german villany pdf
Russia and the Jews ,Barnes Review PDF

002 Videos and Documentaries Anonymous 08/19/2016 (Fri) 03:23:04 [Preview] No. 8 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Videos and documentaries

Anonymous 08/19/2016 (Fri) 04:13:49 [Preview] No. 9 del
Damn it endchan, let me post

Anonymous 08/19/2016 (Fri) 04:15:03 [Preview] No. 10 del
(68.46 KB 575x774 splash city.jpg)
(472.68 KB 807x887 Banshee_rule34.jpg)
MP4s are almost impossible to post, it's why /xxx/ died because me and another anon couldn't post our stuff.

Anonymous 08/19/2016 (Fri) 04:17:29 [Preview] No. 11 del
I'm having the same problem with large webms.

Setting this up seemed like a good idea at first but if I can't upload videos then it's kind of pointless.

Anonymous 08/19/2016 (Fri) 04:24:45 [Preview] No. 12 del
(7.88 MB 640x360 attack on aeiou.mp4)
Well I'll be my 100mb webm is not uploading AT ALL. So now large webms and large MP4s can't be posted.

(162.11 KB 940x198 1.png)
Start here Anonymous 08/19/2016 (Fri) 03:12:12 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Start here
1 post and 1 image omitted.

Anonymous 08/19/2016 (Fri) 03:14:09 [Preview] No. 3 del

Anonymous 08/19/2016 (Fri) 03:14:44 [Preview] No. 4 del
(160.10 KB 495x602 3.jpg)

Anonymous 08/19/2016 (Fri) 03:14:55 [Preview] No. 5 del
(160.10 KB 495x602 4.jpg)

Anonymous 08/19/2016 (Fri) 03:15:31 [Preview] No. 6 del
“Care must be taken not to give a platform for deniers… or seek to disprove the deniers’ position through normal historical debate and rational argument.”

— ‘Guidelines for Teaching about the Holocaust’ at the Stockholm International Forum, 2000

“One should not ask, how this mass murder was made possible. It was technically possible, because it happened. This has to be the obligatory starting-point for any historical research regarding this topic. We would just like to remind you: There is no debate regarding the existence of the gas chambers, and there can never be one.”

— “34 reputable historians” published in the prominent French daily Le Monde on February 21, 1979

Anonymous 08/19/2016 (Fri) 03:15:45 [Preview] No. 7 del
An Introduction to Holocaust Revisionism

“The Holocaust is a deeply anchored belief even in people who know very little about it. We can see that not only does disbelief in the Holocaust myth threaten modern Jewish identity as shaped by political Zionism, but for others it brings into question the credibility of those in authority who told everyone it was true: the state, the churches, the schools, and media of every kind. These sources are the same ones people trust and depend on every day for information. If these trusted authorities are wrong about the Holocaust, what else are they wrong about? What other dishonesties are they promoting?”

– John Weir, The Holocaust as Myth: Betraying the Public Trust

“If the Holocaust were unimportant, we wouldn’t have around 20 countries on this planet outlawing its critical investigation. In fact, this is the only historical topic that is regulated by penal law. This is proof for the fact that the powers that be consider this topic to be the most important issue to keep under their strict control. Those censoring, suppressing powers are the real criminals—not the historical dissidents they send to prison.”

– Germar Rudolf, Logic and Reason Can and Will Destroy the Holocaust Establishment

“The rising flood, particularly on the Internet, that is bringing to the world’s knowledge the spectacular achievements of historical revisionism is not suddenly going to halt its advance or return towards its source.”

– Robert Faurisson, The revisionists’ total victory on the historical and scientific level