Anonymous 05/28/2024 (Tue) 05:06 No.570 del
>I managed to scrape abdlstoryforum in 2022 once I started hearing about them deleting stories.
Glad you had the foresight to do that, anon. The site admin there is/was a massive schizo, and I should have seen the signs of its demise much earlier.
I was really torn up by one story disappearing, called "baby caring duty" or something like that. It's about a high-schooler who gets picked to be "class baby" and the predictable ensues. Its disappearance maddened me enough that I've been trying to rewrite it myself. If someone happened to have it, I would be grateful for it. Fuck people who delete the only copies of stories.
Personally not into loli but God bless you for saving all those, anon. I've also been having issues scraping 8moe (for the shota threads in my case), but I'm also a newbie to scraping. My halfchan relied on actually being able to filter a file-list from html, but 8moe threads are executing javascript in-browser, so a simple python Requests approach isn't working for me. :(