Anonymous 06/26/2022 (Sun) 14:18:13 No.13499 del
Aye I live in Kentucky
I don’t wanna get political but I think abortion should stay legal
Cuz there’s like THOUSANDS of abortions a year, like in the 600 thousands I’m pretty sure (or more), and I know damn well not every 600 thousand of those people can financially support a child, and if we ban abortion there’s just gonna be a shit ton of kids going into adoption centers or even abandoned elsewhere.
Also as far as people saying “omg were murdering babies,” like bro no one on this earth has memory of coming out of there moms vagina, the baby isn’t really even alive yet who gives a shit if were “murdering” it, it has no conscience, also the baby wasn’t even supposed to be here in the first place.
Idk bottom line is though, abortion is a very opinionated thing and will probably always be debated because there’s no one right answer, it just comes down to peoples individual morals.