Anonymous 05/06/2023 (Sat) 09:55 No.22522 del
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Anyone in here knows Nick or used to be friends with him? Marky's doll friend. Please if someone could talk to him he says he feels lonely and has nobody. Please someone convince him to quit these things. He's done so before.

Few days ago he told me he would stop with (underage) females all together via e-mail but seemed to stick to adult but right now he's getting into younger and younger and almost going back to how he was in january with way too young sexualized in childrens bedrooms and sexual comments about underage every day and realistic CP on pixiv.

This is one of his latest "art" with AI. Please someone make him quit all this and distance from pedo communities. Please someone who could convince him to quit with pedophilic art and interaction with underage on instagram, tiktok and interaction with pedophiles.

If you want to get in contact with him I have his e-mail but won't drop it here. My email is [email protected]

Someone please help him. Convince him to improve his life and take distance from pedo cancer. Here was previous post I went into detail >>21725

please someone help him please please please convince him to quit these things please.