Anonymous 05/08/2023 (Mon) 11:47 No.22822 del
>>Get to church
Church isn't a thing you "go to".

The word "church" means:
Your body. A metaphor for those who are members of you (not your human body).

Those in your life who are like a body to you. Like if your dad helps you in life and is worthy of sitting beside you at your throne, you can say he's like your left hand. And if your mom drives you everywhere, and you can say asking her was no more than like saying to your feet "walk here", she is like your feet.

And just like your body, you have this from the very beginning.

That thing on the Simpsons that the cartoons say is "church", is not what God knows it as. Not the true meaning from His perfect foundation. But a crumb of God, that has been fed to those who seeked it like a master gives a dog the crumbs from his plate.

It's for those who wish to worship Him and have Him in their midst, but who do not understand Him, nor His foundation.

And He's dieing on the cross for that. Don't they blasphemy His day of rest to do this? How many are not resting, but using the seventh day to wake early, dress up, drive, and stand for hours? This is the wide path, not the narrow path He wishes for you.

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