Anonymous 05/08/2023 (Mon) 17:57 No.22884 del
just my opinion, but for people who keep saying Marky needs to get "help", I truly dont beleive there is such a things as help for ppl like us (or her). as someone whos been in the mental health system for a very long time, you basically get a therapist who doesnt care and just tells you some basic shit for 30 mins a week, you are just another folder on their desk out of the hundred others in their inbox. maybe if youre rich you can get a good one, otherwise youre geting some poorly paid person who is overworked and doesnt give 2 shits. besides that, they put you on meds that will numb the mental pain abd ake life tolerable, but in the back of your mind you know that the problems are still there. youre just a spaced out, glazed over looking zombie that goes through the motions day to day. thats the "help' thats out there for marky.