Anonymous 06/07/2023 (Wed) 16:55 No.25096 del
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Here's an old Ciara blog post explaining that. Benzos and heroin were her favorites.

I think she hyped up heroin to be cool but in reality was more into benzos but also just did everything under the sun at least once. Never crack funny enough, but did meth once.

>My life is a fucking joke.
>Seriously, I'm pathetic. I hate the idea of living so much, I can't fucking fit in, and I'm miserable all the time. I "cope" is by joking about my chronic depression to make myself forget that it's actually real and snorting heroin 3-5 times a day.
>I'm a poly-drug addict. If it gets me high and relaxes me, I'm all for it. Weed, I smoked daily for months before I got back into dope. I liked how it made me hungry and it made shit funny, but it made me too paranoid and it was too obvious. Benzos were great. I think. I don't remember fucking shit. Just made me act drunk and forget 3 weeks of my summer. Woo-hoo. Alcohol is a pain in the ass to hide and it tastes awful. It all points back to heroin in the end. I'll do a drug but inside I'll just be wishing it was heroin.
>It's my first day of school tomorrow. I'm picking up a bundle later. This is what I've been wanting the past 5 months. Sweet, sweet heroin.