Anonymous 06/24/2023 (Sat) 22:30 No.25736 del
(11.89 MB 1920x1080 20230624_123525.mp4)
Today was my first time eating a Sour Patch. Had cake, saw a time capsule, enjoyed two boomers singing, and got my pre-workout protein and fiber elsewhere.
>vid related

Your post is saddening. What region of the US are you in? I've been building safe havens for people across Texas, hopefully it expands to other states. For now, allow me to become a relative misery that brightens your day.

There is someone:
1) That when I'm not feeling fear of her, I feel jealous for her
2) No matter how much I change, she'll never be in my life
3) Even if she appears in it, it depresses me that my nostalgic feelings towards her have changed
4) I wish I would have been more honest with my feelings, yet melancholically yearn for those feelings; for each of these two desires, I don't know if it's out of fear or atonement
5) I want to scream to the four winds that I like her; I might be too absorbed in my research nor can I love someone I never met, but I liked her.

I said I would write my problems for your comfort, but I'm so happy that my honesty found a truth that deceit cannot move.

Also, I confess that I love to drink whey protein, because it's an excuse towards its chocolate flavors. In fact, I just got an idea for the next poem :^3