Anonymous 07/01/2023 (Sat) 22:29 No.26062 del
(306.62 KB 1071x1005 marky recap.jpg)
Found this greentext in the archive from 2020. Can someone complete with what happened in the last 3 years?

>be marky age 14-15 (in 2011-2012)
>get bullied in school use r9k/b/int
>find out about mde/sam hyde
>like his content / message him
>he drives across state lines to meet her
>fucks her, records him fucking her, brings other girls and force her to watch
>they dated for 7 months when she was 15-16
>markys mom found out, fbi and police were called.
>sam (29 at the time) get scared and breaks up with marky (even tho he was cheating at the same time)
>markys starts taking drugs, her life spirals out of control
>post nudes on /b/ gets doxxed
>she edates a 29 year old gook hapa who beats his asian mom
>moves to alaska to college ends up dropping
>she eCheats on gook bf with a 40 year old brasilain
>she decides to move brazil to be with the 40 year.

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