Anonymous 08/18/2023 (Fri) 23:04 No.29005 del
The entire """appeal""" behind egirl orbiting is that orbiters create an idea of the egirl in their heads, that's loosely based off of the real person, and then they fantasize about that made up individual, who is often completely different from the real life person.
You know how sometimes it's revealed that a certain japanese pop idol has a boyfriend, and people freak the fuck out, sending her shit like death threats? It's because them getting a bf completely shatters the illusion that the orbiters have put up in their heads. They can't keep pretending she's a pure innocent angel if she gets rawdogged by multiple men. Their source of happiness has been taken away.
And if I may push my agenda for a sec, I theorize that this happens because these men don't have gfs\wives IRL who they can dump their affections onto, so they instead give their affections to fictive women in their own heads.
So yes, egirl orbiting exists because women are shallow against men.