Anonymous 09/14/2023 (Thu) 11:20 No.30847 del
It's like I said. Women really really really don't want to be seen as attention whores. They'll still 100% attention whore, they just don't want the backlash from doing it.
I have a personal theory that because women are physically and mentally weak, they rely heavily on their social group, and thus, they're extremely adverse to any harm to their "social reputation", hence why women obsess over social status.
And because humans are programmed to support and defend women, 99% of the population will just blindly believe that women totally aren't attention whoring.
It really is fascinating how people have what I call The Filter, and just do not perceive it when women do bad things. But they'll instantly "get it" when it's a man doing the exact same thing. Truly fascinating psychology.