Anonymous 11/06/2023 (Mon) 01:44 No.37393 del
for any skinwalkers who try to copy ken's interests and want to become her (looking at you asteria and rhea):
books/authors she reads:
- Leibniz's metaphysics
- all of Simone Weil
- wuthering heights
- Essence and Alchemy by Mandy Aftel
- Robert Burton’s book ‘The Anatomy of Melancholy,’
- Roland Barthes - A Lover’s Discourse: Fragments
- Diary of a Nose by jean-claude ellena
- the secret of scent’ by luca turin
- fragrant: the secret life of scent’ by mandy aftel
- 'the chemistry of fragrances’ by david h pybus.
- The sexual politics of meat
- Pornography is what the End of the World Looks Like, Robert Jensen
- Feminism and Psychoanalysis by Jane Gallop (1982)
- Of Unsound Mind: Towards a mad abolitionism
- Charles Wright, from “Clear Night”

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