Anonymous 11/14/2023 (Tue) 20:32 No.38171 del
What an excellent analysis. Imageboards might be the cesspit of the internet, but the in depth examination of things normies would discard as trivialities flourishes in these places and every once in a while you get gems like this post.

I'd just like to complement some of your points:

It's always been obvious just how rich she/her dad/family has always been, as seen in her old photos of her big house in a big piece of land, constant trips to Europe and across America, aviation classes, horde riding, etc. A most recent example is having made her ex move in with her, which in most places and for most people anywhere in the world is seen as almost shameful by the man's inability to provide for the woman and having to rely on her financially. She's not even out of college and already has a place of her own with enough space and utilities to support at least 2 people? Girl, you should be kissing your father's feet every single day.
I have no idea how much officers earn, but she is obviously very well off to afford this sort of lifestyle.
How do you know he's constantly away?

Most of the people who even pursue military careers are fundamentally fucked in the head to some degree, so a guy who escalates through the ranks will obviously be somebody who lacks certain sensibilities and even qualms which ordinary folks would be put off by (lacking empathy is the most abundant "trait" among soldiers).

We've established a certain for how her father is, so I wonder what kind of person her mom must have been to have decided to settle down, marry and have kids with this guy. According to Audrey herself, her mother was doing drugs and smoking like a sailor in the hotbed of degeneracy which was the rave culture of 90s Germany. So either she was as fucked in the head to have found a guy like Audrey's dad worthy of settling down with, was just another opportunistic Euro looking to entrap an American for that sweet green card, or both, which doesn't speak very well about her at all.


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