Anonymous 11/23/2023 (Thu) 18:51 No.39316 del
TOPKEK. if you are looking for chaste, non-defiled girls on discord you arent gonna get very far. Many girls aged 13-17 are pure, but those are upper middle class sheltered girls who know better than to be with a married old man like you, or to hang around in these godforsaken parts. They marry their high school sweethearts. Girls aged 13-17 on those servers will never be "chaste, honest and loyal". They are there for orbiters. They are hoes. If they seem pure, its an act. I would not be surprised if half the underage girls youve dated purely wanted to be the hot young unicorn in a marriage for their teenage ego. Dont you know thats what bisexual couples looking for a hot young piece of ass call it? Unicorn, 'cause theyre so rare. and thats without all the extra extra personality requirements you got.

in short, youre screwed.