Anonymous 12/02/2023 (Sat) 08:27 No.40300 del
>well what she says about porn consumption being cuckoldry is an empirical fact
What's cuckoldry porn then? Cuckoldry squared lol?

>the neurobiological basis for pied is the brain rewiring itself to only be stimulated by watching others have sex or by some other form of non-participatory sexual act
A bunch of meaningless technobabble. Rewire your asshole lol.

>these reddit posts are really taking the mystique away from ken for me but why focus on the one thing she said that isnt retarded
lol literally the only thing she said that was retarded.

Ken's mystique is not in what she says. It's in what she FEELS.

We all know she's a misandrist sperg. We all know she's chadsexual. We all know she hates us with a passion.

Her being muh uwu egirl is not part of her appeal.