Anonymous 01/13/2024 (Sat) 06:54 No.46623 del
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Finally, someone with a fucking brain thank you. Anon there is now a discord server dedicated to her but don't bother joining it is just monkeys throwing shit at each other and acting like a bunch of retards.

There are a bunch of normal niggers in there too saying shit like oh you are a pedo for liking a 15yo girl even though it has nothing to do with age and Ashley herself went in there and had a spazz attack at her orbiters blaming them for the stalking even though most of them have nothing to do with it and most of her newer fans are underage LMAO.

The funny thing about all of this is that her and her normal nigger friends keep blaming this one guy for everything despite the fact that he only played a small part in the larger picture.

Some people will listen and delete stuff, but others will not, and she needs to accept that the internet does what it does and once it is online it is on the internet forever.