cewl (nice to nice people) 03/01/2024 (Fri) 19:32 No.52030 del
cause its an anon that wants to be my bf and youre appealing to his fantasies? i dont have a boyfriend but you can make up everything you like and i cant change your mind no matter how much i prove it to you, and im tired of trying
i dont think having a partner is a good or bad thing but im not ready one at the moment and i havent met anyone i like and i want an irl relationship

also posting my nudes doesnt affect me at all dude i posted them myself

sorry guy you wont get what you want out of me but ill leave cause its so tiring and impossible to convince the truth to people like you cause ur in your own world where every woman has a big 20 meter dick white uncircumcised cock and is 10 feet tall and is the blackest person alive and all women are whores just because, and you will make up any reason by putting words in my mouth or take things out pf context cause youre begging for that one ounce of validation from other people that do this to form an echochamber
i know what people are you like. even before being an egirl i was on r9k for long. i know how to deal with you so dont tire yourself