vamp 04/29/2024 (Mon) 17:45 No.65778 del
Thank you fren, I also want the best for you aswell in every aspect possible since caring for a stranger you barely know its very generous. Even though I awknowledge these kind of forums are worsening my mental illnes by injecting negativity into me I still come here just for the sake of affection and having convorsation with people about various topics. ALSO sorry for responding latee :((
Yayayyayay thank you, frennn, for standing by me and being rational. I purchased a plushie from an elderly lady selling them on the roadside. Though I don't usually collect plushies, this one struck me as ultra-cute. Knowing it was handmade by that lady, who likely invested a lot of time and patience to create them for a living, which compelled me to buy it :DD
KEYWORD KEYWORDDD >I hope I become loyal to my word.

I didnt become loyal to my word, once again I lied to myself and didnt keep me away from places that bring me misery.
MMMM YES YES YES I LOVE BEING PRETENTIOUS YOU GOT INTO POINT. Sorry anon that my pretentious personality annoying you but I cannot controll it </33. Also 5 years is too much time for me to cringe at myself. I say it takes me less than 20 minute to cringe at my past self (me before every 20 mins :3)