Anonymous 12/06/2021 (Mon) 17:13:11 No.7405 del
>HPV is much worse than oral herpes and you haven't disproved that
Because it's not as clean-cut as you're making it out to be. Most people have HPV, and most of those people never have a single symptom for their entire lives. But everyone with herpes exhibits physical, obvious symptoms periodically through their lives which hinders their ability to present normally and have sex. Herpes won't give you cancer or kill you, but the chances of HPV doing that are still incredibly low, although still a risk of course and should be taken seriously. It boils down to whether you want a 1% chance of getting cancer when you're in your 50s, or if you want to have huge inflamed contagious warts on your face and groin for your whole life. I'm sure we all want neither, but I know I'd rather take the 1% chance of completely treatable cancer personally. The mortality rate for cervical cancer in patients who regularly get checkups is close to nil, even lower than skin cancer.