Anonymous 01/17/2022 (Mon) 03:45:02 No.8816 del
the proof that, as I suspected, kennedi is a poser and a hipster: she rated Outer Space by Peter Tscherkassky one and a half stars. I mean, the nerve! she doesn't understand anything truly experimental and sophisticated that goes beyong that trite, verbose, pseudo-existential, sugary, french esthetic bullshit and his derivative, pretentious, even more watered-down, crappy american offspring. the same goes for her political stance, her posts about communism on her tumblr boil down to a naive, juvenile enthusiasm and are utterly out of touch with reality. how dare she not live up to my overblown expectations about her intelligence and refined taste? how can she remorselessly destroy an image she never asked to be made into? I'm honestly outraged. but wait, because it goes further than that. she added that very same experimental short film to her youtube playlist. why doing something like that, when she hated it so much? how is that supposed to make any sense? she's fucking with my mind, I tell you that.