Sage Sage 01/24/2022 (Mon) 22:21:19 No.9091 del
(69.50 KB 720x715 whore.jpg)
I find it pathetic how women can have everything handed to them, and still manage to fuck it up.
They can have a shit ton of websites and audiences where they can fish for attention and get mountains of (blind) praise, yet they somehow manage to end up on tiny obscure shithole subforums, and they STILL continue to fail.
Not only that, they could still easily have armies of orbiters, but they are so fucking stupid that they have no idea how to market themselves. Not to mention so lacking in basic human fucking charisma, that in an attempt to be liked, they only display the ooze of human filth.
Further, even when people are outright telling them what to do, they're still too stupid to follow what they're told. No doubt they think it must be some kind of trick, when in reality they're being given a golden platter and spitting on it.

Women like OP are like someone playing a video game on easy mode, and dying in the tutorial so many times they run out of continues.