Anonymous 01/25/2022 (Tue) 17:49:44 No.9128 del
To find the truth, you need to look at things in the most cynical way possible. For example, here's my theory:
Due to stuff that happened to her early in life, like some combination of her parents' upbringing, some kind of trauma (in some egirls' cases, rape or molestation), mental illness genetics, or just general life shit, she has developed some self-image issues, leaving her insecure.
As a result, she doesnt feel comfortable narcissistically fishing for attention on normiebook, using her body and showing skin, like every other woman her age, even though she'd still get tons and tons of validation, effectively independently of what she actually looks like.
However, she still has the urge to attention whore, so she finds some other way to fill the void, and that's where her artsy shit comes in.
You see, when men like autistic niche topics, it's because they simply just like them. Women, however, do it because they need some, ANY, "identity". They do not have any "value" from within, so they need to reflect it back from other people. (This can be proven by men just DOING the autistic hobbies, while women always broadcast that shit so everyone knows they're doing it, gives them attention)
So specifically in this case, ken, does stuff like perfume reviews, or obscure movie reviews, or semi-obscure literature, not necessarily because she's passionate about the topic, but rather because it gives her a sense of "identity".
In her mind, she's "intelligent" because she reads (note how women take pics of the books they're reading. They dont care about the activity itself, it's just a vehicle to fish for attention), and she's "elegant" due to her fashion and perfume choices. This again serves the purpose of filling her void.
You guys ever see a cosplayer woman? Same exact thing. They're too insecure to show off her body normally, so she gets in costume, and THEN in her mind, she's 100% innocent and totally not a whore.

TL;DR: due to mental retardation, and her not being very good looking, she cant fish for attention using her body like normal women, so she needs to find some other thing she can use to fish for attention, like perfume, fashion, or movies.